Source code for ahkpy.tooltip

import dataclasses as dc
import queue
from typing import Optional

from .flow import ahk_call, global_ahk_lock
from .settings import COORD_MODES, _set_coord_mode
from .timer import Timer, set_countdown
from .unset import UNSET

__all__ = [

[docs]@dc.dataclass class ToolTip: """The tooltip object. No more than 20 tooltips can be shown simultaneously. Example usage:: tt = ToolTip(text="hello") # Doesn't show the tooltip yet tt.text = "hello from attribute" # ^^ Shows a tooltip with the text "hello from attribute" near the mouse # cursor"hello from keyword argument") # ^^ Hides the previous tooltip and shows a new one with the text "hello # from keyword argument" near the mouse cursor """ text: Optional[str] = None x: Optional[int] = None y: Optional[int] = None relative_to: str = "window" timeout: Optional[float] = None _pool = queue.LifoQueue(maxsize=20) for tooltip_id in range(20, 0, -1): _pool.put(tooltip_id) del tooltip_id def __init__(self, text=None, *, x=None, y=None, relative_to="window", timeout=None): self.text = text self.x = x self.y = y if relative_to not in COORD_MODES: raise ValueError(f"{relative_to!r} is not a valid coord mode") self.relative_to = relative_to self._id: Optional[int] = None self._timer: Optional[Timer] = None
[docs] def show(self, text=None, *, x=UNSET, y=UNSET, relative_to=None, timeout=UNSET): """Show the tooltip. If the method is called without the *x* and *y* arguments, the menu is shown at the mouse cursor. Otherwise, the tooltip's position depends on the *relative_to* argument. Valid *relative_to* values are: - ``"screen"`` – coordinates are relative to the desktop (entire screen). - ``"window"`` – coordinates are relative to the active window. - ``"client"`` – coordinates are relative to the active window's client area, excluding title bar, menu and borders. The optional *x* and *y* arguments set the tooltip's position relative to the area specified by the *relative_to* argument. The default *relative_to* value is ``"window"``. So if you call ``"hello", x=42)``, the *y* coordinate will be the mouse cursor's *y* coordinate, and the *x* coordinate will be 42 pixels to the right of the active window. The *text* argument is required to either be set as the instance attribute, or passed as an argument. If the optional *timeout* argument is given, the tooltip will be hidden after this many seconds. :command: `ToolTip <>`_ """ if not text and not self.text: raise ValueError("text must not be empty") elif not text: text = self.text if x is UNSET: x = self.x if y is UNSET: y = self.y x = x if x is not None else "" y = y if y is not None else "" if relative_to is None: relative_to = self.relative_to tooltip_id = self._acquire() with global_ahk_lock: _set_coord_mode("tooltip", relative_to) ahk_call("ToolTip", str(text), x, y, tooltip_id) if timeout is UNSET: timeout = self.timeout if timeout is not None: if self._timer: self._timer.start(timeout) else: self._timer = set_countdown(timeout, self.hide) elif self._timer: self._timer.stop() self._timer = None
[docs] def hide(self): """Hide the tooltip.""" if self._id is None: return ahk_call("ToolTip", "", "", "", self._id) if self._timer: self._timer.stop() self._timer = None self._release()
def _acquire(self): if self._id is None: try: self._id = ToolTip._pool.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: raise RuntimeError("cannot show more than 20 tooltips simultaneously") from None return self._id def _release(self): if self._id is None: return try: ToolTip._pool.put_nowait(self._id) except queue.Full: raise RuntimeError("tooltip pool is corrupted") from None self._id = None