Source code for ahkpy.mouse

from typing import Tuple

from .flow import ahk_call, global_ahk_lock
from .sending import send
from .settings import _set_coord_mode, get_settings
from .unset import UNSET
from .window import Control, Window

__all__ = [

# Not implementing MouseClickDrag and passing coordinates in Click because it
# complicates the signature. Use separate commands instead.
# MouseClickDrag:
#     ahkpy.mouse_move(x=x1, y=y1)
#     ahkpy.mouse_press(which_button)
#     ahkpy.mouse_move(x=x2, y=y2, speed=speed, relative_to=...)
#     ahkpy.mouse_release()
# Click with coordinates:
#     ahkpy.mouse_move(x=x, y=y, speed=speed)

KEY_UP = 1
BUTTONS = {"left", "right", "middle", "x1", "x2"}
SCROLL_DIRECTIONS = {"up", "down", "left", "right"}
MODIFIERS = set("!+^#")

[docs]def click(button="left", times=1, *, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None, delay=None): """click(button="left", times=1, **options) Click a mouse button. The *button* argument takes one of the following values: ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"middle"``, ``"x1"``, ``"x2"``. The *times* argument specifies the number of times to click the mouse. .. :param str button: the mouse button to click. Takes one of the following values: ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"middle"``, ``"x1"``, ``"x2"``. Defaults to ``"left"``. .. :param int times: the number of times to click the mouse. Defaults to 1. The following keyword-only arguments set the click *options*: :param str modifier: the string of AHK characters that represent the keyboard modifiers to press down before clicking the mouse. Takes a combination of the following characters: ``!+^#`` which correspond to :kbd:`Alt`, :kbd:`Shift`, :kbd:`Ctrl`, and :kbd:`Win`. Defaults to no modifiers. :param bool blind: if true, preserves the keyboard modifiers in the down position. For example, calling :func:`!click` with :kbd:`Ctrl` held down will send a :kbd:`Ctrl` + :kbd:`Click`. If false, releases the currently held keyboard modifiers before the click. Defaults to ``True``. :param str mode: the mode that is used to send the clicks. For more information refer to the *mode* argument of the :func:`send` function. :param int level: controls which artificial keyboard and mouse events are ignored by hotkeys and hotstrings. For more information refer to the *level* argument of the :func:`send` function. :param float delay: the delay after each mouse click. For more information refer to the *mouse_delay* argument of the :func:`send` function. :command: `Send, {Click} <>`_ """ _click(button, times, KEY_DOWN_AND_UP, modifier=modifier, blind=blind, mode=mode, level=level, delay=delay)
[docs]def right_click(times=1, *, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None, delay=None): """right_click(times=1, **options) Click the right mouse button. For arguments refer to :func:`click`. """ _click("right", times, KEY_DOWN_AND_UP, modifier=modifier, blind=blind, mode=mode, level=level, delay=delay)
[docs]def double_click(button="left", *, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None, delay=None): """double_click(button="left", **options) Double-click a mouse button. For arguments refer to :func:`click`. """ _click(button, 2, KEY_DOWN_AND_UP, modifier=modifier, blind=blind, mode=mode, level=level, delay=delay)
[docs]def mouse_press(button="left", times=1, *, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None, delay=None): """mouse_press(button="left", times=1, **options) Press down and hold a mouse button. For arguments refer to :func:`click`. """ _click(button, times, KEY_DOWN, modifier=modifier, blind=blind, mode=mode, level=level, delay=delay)
[docs]def mouse_release(button="left", times=1, *, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None, delay=None): """mouse_release(button="left", times=1, **options) Release a mouse button. For arguments refer to :func:`click`. """ _click(button, times, KEY_UP, modifier=modifier, blind=blind, mode=mode, level=level, delay=delay)
def _click(button, times, event_type, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None, delay=None): args = [] if button not in BUTTONS: raise ValueError(f"{button!r} is not a valid mouse button") args.append(button) if event_type == KEY_DOWN: args.append("down") elif event_type == KEY_UP: args.append("up") elif event_type == KEY_DOWN_AND_UP: pass else: raise ValueError(f"{event_type!r} is not a valid event type") if times < 0: raise ValueError("times must be positive") args.append(str(times)) with global_ahk_lock: _send_click(*args, modifier=modifier, blind=blind, mode=mode, level=level, delay=delay)
[docs]def mouse_scroll(direction: str, times=1, *, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None): """mouse_scroll(direction: str, times=1, **options) Scroll the mouse wheel. The *direction* argument specifies the scroll direction. Takes one of the following values: ``"up"``, ``"down"``, ``"left"``, ``"right"``. The *times* argument specifies the number of notches to turn the wheel. However, some applications do not obey *times* higher than 1. Use the following workaround:: for _ in range(5): ahkpy.mouse_scroll("up") For the *options* arguments refer to :func:`click`. :command: `Send, {Click} <>`_ """ if direction not in SCROLL_DIRECTIONS: raise ValueError(f"{direction!r} is not a valid mouse scroll direction") if times < 0: raise ValueError("times must be positive") _send_click("wheel"+direction, str(times), modifier=modifier, blind=blind, mode=mode, level=level, delay=UNSET)
[docs]def mouse_move(x, y, *, relative_to="window", mode=None, speed=None, delay=None): """Move the mouse cursor. .. TODO: Pasted from the method. Consider referring. The *x* and *y* arguments set the coordinates to move the mouse relative to the area specified by the *relative_to* argument which defaults to ``"window"``. The valid *relative_to* arguments are the following: - ``"cursor"`` – coordinates are relative to its current position. - ``"screen"`` – coordinates are relative to the desktop (entire screen). - ``"window"`` – coordinates are relative to the active window. - ``"client"`` – coordinates are relative to the active window's client area, which excludes the window's title bar, menu (if it has a standard one) and borders. Client coordinates are less dependent on OS version and theme. :param str mode: the mode that is used to move the mouse. If the *speed* argument is given, it forces the Event mode. For more information refer to the *mode* argument of the :func:`send` function. :param int speed: the speed of mouse movement in the range 0 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). Defaults to one currently set in :attr:`Settings.mouse_speed`. :param float delay: the delay after the mouse movement. For more information refer to the *mouse_delay* argument of the :func:`send` function. :command: `Send, {Click X, Y, 0} <>`_, `MouseMove <>`_ """ if speed is not None: if mode is None: # Force SendEvent if speed is given. mode = "event" else: speed = get_settings().mouse_speed if not 0 <= speed <= 100: raise ValueError("speed must be between 0 and 100") offset = "" if relative_to == "cursor": offset = "relative" # To move the mouse without clicking, specify 0 after the coordinates. no_click = "0" with global_ahk_lock: if relative_to != "cursor": _set_coord_mode("mouse", relative_to) ahk_call("SetDefaultMouseSpeed", speed) # I use 'Send {Click ...}' here instead of MouseMove because it lets me # reuse the _send_click() function. _send_click(str(int(x)), str(int(y)), no_click, offset, mode=mode, delay=delay)
def _send_click(*args, modifier: str = None, blind=True, mode=None, level=None, delay=None): if modifier is not None: unknown_modifiers = set(modifier) - MODIFIERS if unknown_modifiers: raise ValueError(f"{''.join(unknown_modifiers)!r} is not a valid modifier") else: modifier = "" blind_str = "{Blind}" if blind else "" send( "%s%s{Click, %s}" % (blind_str, modifier, ",".join(args)), mode=mode, level=level, key_delay=UNSET, key_duration=UNSET, mouse_delay=delay, )
[docs]def get_mouse_pos(relative_to="window") -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get current mouse position relative to specified area. The valid *relative_to* arguments are the following: - ``"screen"`` – coordinates are relative to the desktop (entire screen). - ``"window"`` – coordinates are relative to the active window. - ``"client"`` – coordinates are relative to the active window's client area, which excludes the window's title bar, menu (if it has a standard one) and borders. Client coordinates are less dependent on OS version and theme. .. ^^ Copied from Returns a ``(x, y)`` tuple. :command: `MouseGetPos, X, Y <>`_ """ with global_ahk_lock: _set_coord_mode("mouse", relative_to) result = ahk_call("MouseGetPos") return (result["X"], result["Y"])
[docs]def get_window_under_mouse() -> Window: """get_window_under_mouse() -> ahkpy.Window Get the window under the mouse cursor. Returns a :class:`Window` instance. If the window cannot be determined, returns ``Window(None)``. The window does not have to be active to be detected. :command: `MouseGetPos,,, Win <>`_ """ win_id = ahk_call("MouseGetWin") if not win_id: return Window(None) return Window(win_id)
[docs]def get_control_under_mouse(simple=False): """get_control_under_mouse(simple=False) -> ahkpy.Control Get the control under the mouse cursor. If the *simple* argument is true, a simpler method of detection is used. This method correctly retrieves the active/topmost child window of an Multiple Document Interface (MDI) application such as SysEdit or TextPad. However, it is less accurate for other purposes such as detecting controls inside a GroupBox control. Returns a :class:`Control` instance. If the control cannot be determined, returns ``Control(None)``. The window does not have to be active for the control to be detected. :command: `MouseGetPos,,,, Control <>`_ """ flag = 2 | bool(simple) win_id = ahk_call("MouseGetControl", flag) if not win_id: return Control(None) return Control(win_id)
[docs]def get_cursor_type() -> str: """Get the type of mouse cursor currently being displayed. Returns one of the following words: AppStarting, Arrow, Cross, Help, IBeam, Icon, No, Size, SizeAll, SizeNESW, SizeNS, SizeNWSE, SizeWE, UpArrow, Wait, Unknown. The acronyms used with the size-type cursors are compass directions, e.g. NESW is NorthEast+SouthWest. The hand-shaped cursors (pointing and grabbing) are classified as Unknown. """ return ahk_call("GetVar", "A_Cursor")