Source code for ahkpy.hotstring

import dataclasses as dc
import functools
from typing import Callable, Union

from . import hotkey_context
from .flow import ahk_call, _wrap_callback
from .sending import _get_send_mode

__all__ = [

[docs]def hotstring( ctx, trigger: str, repl: Union[str, Callable] = None, *args, case_sensitive=False, conform_to_case=True, replace_inside_word=False, wait_for_end_char=True, omit_end_char=False, backspacing=True, priority=0, text=False, mode=None, key_delay=None, reset_recognizer=False, ): """hotstring(trigger: str, repl: Union[str, Callable] = None, *args, **options) Register a hotstring. By default, the hotstring is triggered when the user types the given *trigger* text and presses one of the end chars which initially consist of the following: ``-()[]{}':;"/\\,.?!\\n \\t``. If *repl* is an instance of :class:`str`, the user's input will be replaced with *repl*. If *repl* is a callable, it will be called when the hotstring is triggered. When the hotstring is triggered and *repl* is a callable, *repl* is called with the :class:`Hotstring` instance as the *hotstring* argument if the function supports it. The optional positional *args* will be passed to the *repl* when it is called. If you want the *repl* to be called with keyword arguments use :func:`functools.partial`. To change the end chars use the :func:`set_hotstring_end_chars` function. The following keyword-only arguments set the hotstring *options*: - **case_sensitive** – if true, the user must type the text with the exact case to trigger the hotstring. Defaults to ``False``. - **conform_to_case** – if false, the replacement is typed exactly as given in *repl*. Otherwise, the following rules apply: - If the user types the trigger text in all caps, the replacement text is produced in all caps. - If the user types the first letter in caps, the first letter of the replacement is also capitalized. - If the user types the case in any other way, the replacement is produced exactly as given in *repl*. Defaults to ``True`` for case-insensitive hotstrings. Conversely, case-sensitive hotstrings never conform to the case of the trigger text. - **replace_inside_word** – if true, the hotstring will be triggered even when it is inside another word; that is, when the character typed immediately before it is alphanumeric:: ahkpy.hotstring("al", "airline", replace_inside_word=True) Given the code above, typing "practical " produces "practicairline ". Defaults to ``False``. - **wait_for_end_char** – if false, an `end chars <#ahkpy.get_hotstring_end_chars>`_ is not required to trigger the hotstring. Defaults to ``True``. - **omit_end_char** – if true and *wait_for_end_char* is true, then the hotstring waits for the user to type an end char and produces the replacement with the end char omitted. Defaults to ``False``. - **backspacing** – if false, skips removing the user input that triggered the hotstring before producing the *repl*:: ahkpy.hotstring("<em>", "</em>{Left 5}", wait_for_end_char=False, backspacing=False) Given the code above, typing ``<em>`` produces ``<em>|</em>``, where ``|`` is the keyboard cursor. Defaults to ``True``. - **priority** (:class:`int`) – the priority of the `AHK thread <>`_ where *repl* will be executed if it's a callable. It must be an integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647. Defaults to 0. - **text** – if true, sends the replacement text raw, without translating each character to a keystroke. For details, see `Text mode <>`_. Defaults to ``False``. - **mode** – the method by which auto-replace hotstrings send their keystrokes. Defaults to one currently set in :attr:`Settings.send_mode`. For the list of valid modes refer to :func:`~ahkpy.send`. - **key_delay** (:class:`float`) – the delay between keystrokes produced by auto-backspacing and auto-replacement. Defaults to 0 for Event and Play modes. For more information refer to :func:`~ahkpy.send`. - **reset_recognizer** – if true, resets the hotstring recognizer after each triggering of the hotstring. To illustrate, consider the following hotstring:: @ahkpy.hotstring( "11", backspacing=False, wait_for_end_char=False, replace_inside_word=True, ) def eleven(): ahkpy.send_event("xx", level=0) Since the above lacks the *reset_recognizer* option, typing ``111`` (three consecutive 1's) triggers the hotstring twice because the middle 1 is the *last* character of the first triggering but also the first character of the second triggering. By setting *reset_recognizer* to ``True``, you would have to type four 1's instead of three to trigger the hotstring twice. Defaults to ``False``. If *repl* is given, returns an instance of :class:`Hotstring`. Otherwise, the method works as a decorator. :command: `Hotstring <>`_ .. TODO: Review this docstring. """ def hotstring_decorator(repl): if callable(repl) and args: repl = functools.partial(repl, *args) nonlocal mode, key_delay mode = _get_send_mode(mode, key_delay) if key_delay is None and mode != "input": # Wanted to use Settings.key_delay for default, but zero delay # is a more suitable default for hotstrings. key_delay = 0 hs = Hotstring(trigger, case_sensitive, replace_inside_word, context=ctx) hs.update( repl=repl, conform_to_case=conform_to_case, wait_for_end_char=wait_for_end_char, omit_end_char=omit_end_char, backspacing=backspacing, priority=priority, text=text, mode=mode, key_delay=key_delay, reset_recognizer=reset_recognizer, ) # Enable the hotstring in case another hotstring with the same # 'string' existed before, but was disabled. hs.enable() return hs if repl is None: return hotstring_decorator return hotstring_decorator(repl)
[docs]@dc.dataclass(frozen=True) class Hotstring: """Hotstring(trigger: str, case_sensitive: bool, replace_inside_word: bool, context: ahkpy.HotkeyContext) The immutable object that represents a registered hotstring. Creating an instance of :class:`!Hotstring` doesn't register it in AHK. Use the :meth:`HotkeyContext.hotstring` method instead. Hotstrings in AutoHotkey are defined by the trigger string, case-sensitivity, word-sensitivity (*replace_inside_word*), and the context in which they are created. For example, the following creates only one hotstring:: hs1 = ahkpy.hotstring("btw", "by the way", case_sensitive=False) hs2 = ahkpy.hotstring("BTW", "by the way", case_sensitive=False) This is because *case_sensitive* option is set to ``False`` (the default), so that the hotstring will trigger regardless of the case it was typed in. Conversely, the following creates two separate hotstrings:: hs1 = ahkpy.hotstring("btw", "by the way", case_sensitive=True) hs2 = ahkpy.hotstring("BTW", "by the way", case_sensitive=True) """ trigger: str case_sensitive: bool replace_inside_word: bool context: 'hotkey_context.HotkeyContext' __slots__ = ("trigger", "case_sensitive", "replace_inside_word", "context") # There are no 'repl' and option fields in Hotstring object. See the # reasoning in the Hotkey class. # Case sensitivity and conformity transitions: # CO <-> C1 # C1 <-- C --> C0 def __post_init__(self): if hasattr(self.trigger, "lower") and not self.case_sensitive: object.__setattr__(self, "trigger", self.trigger.lower())
[docs] def enable(self): """Enable the hotkey.""" with self.context._manager(): ahk_call("Hotstring", f":{self._id_options()}:{self.trigger}", "", "On")
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable the hotkey.""" with self.context._manager(): ahk_call("Hotstring", f":{self._id_options()}:{self.trigger}", "", "Off")
[docs] def toggle(self): """Enable the hotstring if it's disabled or do the opposite.""" with self.context._manager(): ahk_call("Hotstring", f":{self._id_options()}:{self.trigger}", "", "Toggle")
def _id_options(self): case_option = "C" if self.case_sensitive else "" replace_inside_option = "?" if self.replace_inside_word else "?0" return f"{case_option}{replace_inside_option}"
[docs] def update( self, *, repl=None, conform_to_case=None, wait_for_end_char=None, omit_end_char=None, backspacing=None, priority=None, text=None, mode=None, key_delay=None, reset_recognizer=None, ): """Update the hotstring's *repl* and options. For more information about the arguments refer to :meth:`HotkeyContext.hotstring`. """ if callable(repl): repl = _wrap_callback( repl, ("hotstring",), _bare_hotstring_handler, functools.partial(_hotstring_handler, hotstring=self), ) options = [] if self.case_sensitive: options.append("C") elif conform_to_case: options.append("C0") elif conform_to_case is not None: options.append("C1") if self.replace_inside_word: options.append("?") else: options.append("?0") if wait_for_end_char is False: options.append("*") elif omit_end_char: options.append("*0") options.append("O") else: if wait_for_end_char: options.append("*0") if omit_end_char is False: options.append("O0") if backspacing: options.append("B") elif backspacing is not None: options.append("B0") if key_delay is not None: if key_delay > 0: key_delay = int(key_delay * 1000) options.append(f"K{key_delay}") if priority is not None: options.append(f"P{priority}") if text: options.append("T") elif text is not None: options.append("T0") if mode == "input": options.append("SI") elif mode == "play": options.append("SP") elif mode == "event": options.append("SE") elif mode is not None: raise ValueError(f"{mode!r} is not a valid send mode") if reset_recognizer: options.append("Z") elif reset_recognizer is not None: options.append("Z0") option_str = "".join(options) with self.context._manager(): ahk_call("Hotstring", f":{option_str}:{self.trigger}", repl)
def _bare_hotstring_handler(func): func() def _hotstring_handler(func, hotstring): func(hotstring=hotstring)
[docs]def reset_hotstring(): """Reset the hotstring recognizer. The script will begin waiting for an entirely new hotstring, eliminating from consideration anything the user has typed previously. :command: `Hotstring("Reset") <>`_ """ ahk_call("Hotstring", "Reset")
[docs]def get_hotstring_end_chars(): """Retrieve the set of end chars. The default end chars are the following: ``-()[]{}':;"/\\,.?!\\n \\t``. :command: `Hotstring("EndChars") <>`_ """ return ahk_call("Hotstring", "EndChars")
[docs]def set_hotstring_end_chars(chars: str): """Change the end chars. The end chars can only be changed globally for all hostrings at once. :command: `Hotstring("EndChars", NewValue) <>`_ """ ahk_call("Hotstring", "EndChars", str(chars))
[docs]def get_hotstring_mouse_reset(): """Get whether mouse clicks reset the hotstring recognizer. By default, any click of the left or right mouse button will reset the hotstring recognizer. :command: `Hotstring("MouseReset") <>`_ """ return ahk_call("Hotstring", "MouseReset")
[docs]def set_hotstring_mouse_reset(value: bool): """Set whether mouse clicks reset the hotstring recognizer. :command: `Hotstring("MouseReset", NewValue) <>`_ """ ahk_call("Hotstring", "MouseReset", bool(value))