Source code for ahkpy.clipboard

import dataclasses as dc
import functools
from typing import Callable

from .flow import ahk_call, _wait_for, _wrap_callback

__all__ = [

[docs]def get_clipboard() -> str: """Get text from the Windows clipboard. :variable: `Clipboard <>`_ """ return str(ahk_call("GetVar", "Clipboard"))
[docs]def set_clipboard(value): """Put text into the Windows clipboard. :variable: `Clipboard <>`_ """ return ahk_call("SetVar", "Clipboard", str(value))
[docs]def wait_clipboard(timeout: float = None) -> str: """Wait until the clipboard contains text and return it. If there is no text in the clipboard after *timeout* seconds, then an empty string will be returned. If *timeout* is not specified or ``None``, there is no limit to the wait time. :command: `ClipWait <>`_ """ # TODO: Implement WaitForAnyData argument. return _wait_for(timeout, get_clipboard) or ""
[docs]def on_clipboard_change(func: Callable = None, *args, prepend_handler=False): """Register *func* to be called on clipboard change. On clipboard change, *func* will be called with the clipboard text as the *clipboard* argument. The optional positional *args* will be passed to the *func* when it is called. If you want the callback to be called with keyword arguments use :func:`functools.partial`. If the optional *prepend_handler* argument is set to ``True``, the *func* will be registered to be called before any other previously registered functions. If *func* returns true, then the other clipboard handlers won't be called. If *func* is given, returns an instance of :class:`ClipboardHandler`. Otherwise, the function works as a decorator:: @ahkpy.on_clipboard_change() def handler(clipboard): print(clipboard.upper()) assert isinstance(handler, ahkpy.ClipboardHandler) :command: `OnClipboardChange <>`_ """ option = 1 if not prepend_handler else -1 def on_clipboard_change_decorator(func): func = _wrap_callback( functools.partial(func, *args), ("clipboard",), _bare_clipboard_handler, _clipboard_handler, ) ahk_call("OnClipboardChange", func, option) return ClipboardHandler(func) if func is None: return on_clipboard_change_decorator return on_clipboard_change_decorator(func)
def _bare_clipboard_handler(func, *_): return bool(func()) def _clipboard_handler(func, typ): if typ == 0: return bool(func(clipboard="")) elif typ == 1: return bool(func(clipboard=get_clipboard())) elif typ == 2: # TODO: Return ClipboardAll. return bool(func(clipboard=get_clipboard()))
[docs]@dc.dataclass(frozen=True) class ClipboardHandler: """This immutable object holds a function registered to be called on clipboard change. Creating an instance of :class:`!ClipboardHandler` doesn't register the function as a handler. Use the :func:`on_clipboard_change` function instead. """ func: Callable __slots__ = ("func",)
[docs] def unregister(self): """Unregister the clipboard handler and stop calling the function on clipboard change. """ ahk_call("OnClipboardChange", self.func, 0)
# TODO: Implement ClipboardAll.